A Second Opinion and a Cup of Coffee

A Second Opinion and a Cup of Coffee

Blaine Johnson, LUTCF®, CLTC®

It’s common knowledge that the markets are often volatile and confusing, but this has been especially true over the past several years. Due to this uncertainty, even the most patient investors may come to question the wisdom of the investment plan they have been following.

Also, life changes may have come your way, such as kids, marriage, divorce, or estate planning changes. These significant life events may be causing you to readjust your financial priorities. You may be curious about different financial strategies or just want to ensure that your current plan is still a perfect fit for you. You won’t have complete confidence in your finances until you reevaluate and examine whether you are still on track to reach your goals. 

If this resonates with you, here’s what we would like to offer: A cup of coffee and a second opinion. 

A Financial Plan Checkup

By appointment, you’re welcome to come in and sit with us for a while. We’ll focus on getting to know you and your needs and ask you to outline your financial goals briefly. Next, we’ll review your current portfolio and strategy so that we know where you stand and where you want to be, to make sure we are on the same page with your objectives.

Our team can answer any questions you may have about the market, strategies, or basic financial tips and principles. Then, we can apply your concerns, ideas, and goals to your current plan to see how everything lines up.

It Never Hurts to Ask

Once we have a thorough overview of your unique financial picture, we will be able to reevaluate and readjust. If we think your investments continue to be well suited to your long-term goals despite the market turmoil, we’ll gladly tell you so and send you on your way.

On the other hand, if we believe your plan no longer fits your goals, we’ll explain why in plain English. And, if you’d like, we’ll recommend some alternatives. It may be that minor adjustments are needed based on your age, current economic woes, or a change in priorities and plans.

It never hurts to take a second look at your financial plan to ensure that it is up-to-date, still applicable to all aspects of your life, and ideally suited to achieve your long-term dreams. Regardless of the outcome of our second look, you will have full confidence in me, in your decisions, and in your financial plan.

Let us help you evaluate where you are now, determine where you would like to go, and address any gaps that may be apparent. Take the first step today toward your financial future by calling our office at 916-781-7493 or emailing bkjohnson@ft.newyorklife.com.

About Blaine

Blaine Johnson is an agent with New York Life Insurance Company and a financial professional with nearly a decade of industry experience. He specializes in providing financial and insurance services for pre-retirees and retirees including physicians, executives, and business owners. By focusing on a particular clientele, he can provide a customized approach that responds directly to the specific needs of clients. He is a Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow and holds the Certified Long-Term Care designation. Based in Roseville, California, he works with clients throughout Sacramento and the Bay Area, as well as Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Washington.

Blaine Johnson, CLTC, LUTCF®, is a Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A Licensed Insurance Agency, 2999 Douglas, Blvd Suite 350, Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-7493. The Nautilus Group® is a service of New York Life Insurance Company. New York Life, its member agents or employees may not give legal, tax or accounting advice; everyone should seek and rely upon the counsel of his or her own professional advisors. California Insurance Lic. #0G27275.