Why I Became a Financial Professional


Why I Became a Financial Professional

By Blaine Johnson, LUTCF®, CLTC®

People often ask me why I entered this industry and became a financial professional. Like many people, I didn’t grow up knowing what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my career. What I did know is that I liked the idea of working with my clients, building long-term professional relationships, and helping them solve their problems.

After college, I started my career in the real estate industry. While I enjoyed the industry, the real estate lending business was very focused on transactions without emphasis on relationships. I didn’t have the opportunity to connect with my clients and get to know their individual needs before providing solutions.

Several years into working in real estate, I decided to switch gears to a more client focused business model. I’ve always enjoyed the stock market and investment principles, and I felt that being a trusted partner and building an ongoing relationship (as opposed to a transaction-focused business) really lent itself to the financial services industry.

With this goal in mind, I entered the industry and became a financial professional in 2008.

My Role

Currently, I specialize in serving physicians, executives, and business owners. Wherever they are in life, my goal is to provide the highest level customer experience. My office is committed to providing a personal, high-touch, and consistent message between myself and my office so that when my clients speak to one of us, there is never a disconnect or confusion. Clients should feel comfortable and at ease when they walk into their financial professional’s office — not nervous or worried. I want them to feel confident that they are receiving exceptional service that stands out from the competition.

I think our 24/7 accessibility is one of the reasons why clients choose to work with us. Such access is unprecedented in this industry and an anomaly among the other professionals with whom they’ve worked. Our clients can expect to receive immediate responses and service regardless of when they reach out to us. They are our top priority in all that we do.

The Triumphs and the Hurdles

As much as I enjoy my work, there are plenty of challenges I overcome. Delivering a death claim check is the toughest thing I do, and such a task never gets easier. It’s also a very emotional time because you realize the magnitude of estate and retirement planning and how important insurance, risk management, and other strategies are for families and businesses. Our preparation for unfortunate life events can make a big difference in someone’s financial situation. It can also allow them to continue with the life they had before the passing of their loved one and not have to worry about their finances.

These kinds of hurdles can be tough, but there’s something very fulfilling about the delayed gratification of this business. My clients and I start on a journey together and, at times, it may seem as if we’re miles away from our final destination. But when we finally reach their goal — whether it’s having enough money to retire or finalizing a business exit strategy — it’s so fulfilling to witness their happiness and a new sense of confidence. Receiving a “thank you” and being told that they feel a sense of relief is an amazing feeling.

Down the Road

It still surprises me to this day just how many people don’t receive the appropriate amount of help and guidance to meet their goals. We are committed to providing a level and depth of education that goes beyond what they have previously experienced. Knowing that there are so many people who can benefit from this level of education motivates me every day.

If you’ve yet to feel satisfied with your financial strategies and education, or have yet to start working with a financial professional, I encourage you to reach out to us. Whether you’re a business owner or individual, I’d be happy to provide you a complimentary review of your current strategies and policies and see if there are areas for improvement. Get in touch by calling 916-781-7493 or emailing bkjohnson@ft.newyorklife.com.

About Blaine

Blaine Johnson is an agent with New York Life Insurance Company and a financial professional with nearly a decade of industry experience. He specializes in providing financial and insurance services for pre-retirees and retirees including physicians, executives, and business owners. By focusing on a particular clientele, he can provide a customized approach that responds directly to the specific needs of clients. He is a Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow and holds the Certified Long-Term Care designation. Based in Roseville, California, he works with clients throughout Sacramento and the Bay Area, as well as Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Washington.

Blaine Johnson, CLTC®, LUTCF®, is a Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A Licensed Insurance Agency, 2999 Douglas, Blvd Suite 350, Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-7493. The Nautilus Group® is a service of New York Life Insurance Company. New York Life, its member agents or employees may not give legal, tax or accounting advice; everyone should seek and rely upon the counsel of his or her own professional advisors. California Insurance Lic. #0G27275.